Audio Nonlinear Modeling through Hyperbolic Tangent Functionals

Adalberto Schuck Jr.; Bardo Ernst Josef Bodmann
DAFx-2016 - Brno
In the present contribution we present the preliminary results of a black box nonlinear system (NLS) modeling. The NLS is composed by a nonlinear sigmoid-type input-output relationship (NLTF) followed by a linear system (LTI), as in a Hammerstein nonlinear system. Here, the used NLTF is derived from a deformation of the Hyperbolic Tangent power expansion. The advantage of using the hyperbolic tangent function is that nonlinearity depends on the linear and cubic terms that measure curvature (and thus nonlinearity) of the transfer function. The hyperbolic tangent model is extended to other types of nonlinear systems by expanding the nonlinear system in linear and increasingly nonlinear contributions, where the expansion parameters are deformed to enhance or suppress specific nonlinear modes of the expansion. Simulations were performed using Matlab 2012a. The preliminary results show fairly good agreement between the system obtained by parametric inference and a reference system, with mean square error (MSE)=0.035.