Automating The Design Of Sound Synthesis Techniques Using Evolutionary Methods
Digital sound synthesizers, ubiquitous today in sound cards, software and dedicated hardware, use algorithms (Sound Synthesis Techniques, SSTs) capable of generating sounds similar to those of acoustic instruments and even totally novel sounds. The design of SSTs is a very hard problem. It is usually assumed that it requires human ingenuity to design an algorithm suitable for synthesizing a sound with certain characteristics. Many of the SSTs commonly used are the fruit of experimentation and a long refinement processes. A SST is determined by its functional form and internal parameters. Design of SSTs is usually done by selecting a fixed functional form from a handful of commonly used SSTs, and performing a parameter estimation technique to find a set of internal parameters that will best emulate the target sound. A new approach for automating the design of SSTs is proposed. It uses a set of examples of the desired behavior of the SST in the form of inputs + target sound. The approach is capable of suggesting novel functional forms and their internal parameters, suited to follow closely the given examples. Design of a SST is stated as a search problem in the SST space (the space spanned by all the possible valid functional forms and internal parameters, within certain limits to make it practical). This search is done using evolutionary methods; specifically, Genetic Programming (GP).