Timpani Drum Synthesis in 3D on GPGPUs

Stefan Bilbao; Craig Webb
DAFx-2012 - York
Physical modeling sound synthesis for systems in 3D is a computationally intensive undertaking; the number of degrees of freedom is very large, even for systems and spaces of modest physical dimensions. The recent emergence into the mainstream of highly parallel multicore hardware, such as general purpose graphical processing units (GPGPUs) has opened an avenue of approach to synthesis for such systems in a reasonable amount of time, without severe model simplification. In this context, new programming and algorithm design considerations appear, especially the ease with which a given algorithm may be parallelized. To this end finite difference time domain methods operating over regular grids are explored, with regard to an interesting and non-trivial test problem, that of the timpani drum. The timpani is chosen here because its sounding mechanism relies on the coupling between a 2D resonator and a 3D acoustic space (an internal cavity). It is also of large physical dimensions, and thus simulation is of high computational cost. A timpani model is presented, followed by a brief presentation of finite difference time domain methods, followed by a discussion of parallelization on GPGPU, and simulation results.