Event-Synchronous Music Synthesis

Tristan Jehan
DAFx-2004 - Naples
This work presents a novel framework for music synthesis, based on the perceptual structure analysis of pre-existing musical signals, for example taken from a personal MP3 database. We raise the important issue of grounding music analysis on perception, and propose a bottom-up approach to music analysis, as well as modeling, and synthesis. A model of segmentation for polyphonic signals is described, and is qualitatively validated through several artifact-free music resynthesis experiments, e.g., reversing the ordering of sound events (notes), without reversing their waveforms. Then, a compact “timbre” structure analysis, and a method for song description in the form of an “audio DNA” sequence is presented. Finally, we propose novel applications, such as music cross-synthesis, or time-domain audio compression, enabled through simple sound similarity measures, and clustering.