CONMOD: Controllable Neural Frame-Based Modulation Effects

Gyubin Lee; Hounsu Kim; Junwon Lee; Juhan Nam
DAFx-2024 - Guildford
Deep learning models have seen widespread use in modelling LFOdriven audio effects, such as phaser and flanger. Although existing neural architectures exhibit high-quality emulation of individual effects, they do not possess the capability to manipulate the output via control parameters. To address this issue, we introduce Controllable Neural Frame-based Modulation Effects (CONMOD), a single black-box model which emulates various LFOdriven effects in a frame-wise manner, offering control over LFO frequency and feedback parameters. Additionally, the model is capable of learning the continuous embedding space of two distinct phaser effects, enabling us to steer between effects and achieve creative outputs. Our model outperforms previous work while possessing both controllability and universality, presenting opportunities to enhance creativity in modern LFO-driven audio effects. Additional demo of our model is available in the accompanying website.1