Dimensionality Reduction Techniques for Fear Emotion Detection from Speech

Safa Chebbi; Sofia Ben Jebara
DAFx-2018 - Aveiro
In this paper, we propose to reduce the relatively high-dimension of pitch-based features for fear emotion recognition from speech. To do so, the K-nearest neighbors algorithm has been used to classify three emotion classes: fear, neutral and ’other emotions’. Many techniques of dimensionality reduction are explored. First of all, optimal features ensuring better emotion classification are determined. Next, several families of dimensionality reduction, namely PCA, LDA and LPP, are tested in order to reveal the suitable dimension range guaranteeing the highest overall and fear recognition rates. Results show that the optimal features group permits 93.34% and 78.7% as overall and fear accuracy rates respectively. Using dimensionality reduction, Principal Component Analysis (PCA) has given the best results: 92% as overall accuracy rate and 93.3% as fear recognition percentage.