Realization of a Diffuse Sound Field with a PC-Based Sound Card Solution

Oomke Weikert
DAFx-2002 - Hamburg
For the quality assessment of headphones, especially the loudness measuring of headphones, a diffuse sound field is required. At this time a hardware based noise generator, one-third octave filters built up in analog mode as well as boosters are used. In this work a flexible PC-based solution with the aid of a sound card is presented. Therefore ten independent noise generators, generating Gaussian distributed white noise, are needed. The implementation using the ’Dynamic Creation of Pseudorandom Number Genrators’ for ’Mersenne Twister’ is described. A probability transformation to convert equal distributed numbers into Gaussian distributed ones is derived in detail. Furthermore one-third octave filters are designed and implemented according to the ANSI standard. The access to the sound card is provided using the Wave-API library under Microsoft Windows. This work was carried out at Sennheiser electronic GmbH in Wennebostel (Germany) in the development department for cord based headphones.