The Helmholtz resonator is a prototype of a single acoustic resonance, which can be modeled with a digital resonator. This paper extends this concept by coupling several Helmholtz resonators. The resulting structure is called a Helmholtz resonator tree. The height of the tree is defined by the number of resonator layers that are interconnected. The overall number of resonance frequencies of a Helmholtz resonator tree is the same as its height. A Helmholtz resonator tree can be modeled using wave digital filters (WDF), when electro-acoustic analogies are applied. A WDF tool for implementing Helmholtz resonator trees has been developed in C++. A VST plugin and an Android mobile application were created, which can run short Helmholtz resonator trees in real time. Helmholtz resonator trees can be used for the real-time synthesis of percussive sounds and for realizing novel filtering which can be tuned using intuitive physical parameters.