A Comparison of Analysis and Resynthesis Methods for Directional Segmentation of Stereo Audio

Jeremy Wells
DAFx-2011 - Paris
A comparison of analysis and resynthesis methods for use with a system for dividing time-coincident stereo audio signals into directional segments is presented. The purpose of such a system is to give greater flexibility in the presentation of spatial information when two-channel audio is reproduced. Example applications include up-mixing and transforming panning from amplitude to time-delay based. Included in the methods are the dualtree complex wavelet transform and wavelet packet decomposition with best basis search. The directional segmentation system and the analysis and resynthesis methods are briefly described, with reference to the relevant underlying theory, figures of merit are presented for each method applied to three stereo mixtures of contrasting material and the subjective quality of the output (with links to all audio examples) is discussed.