Download Notes on Model-Based Non-Sationary Sinusoid Estimation Methods Using Derivatives This paper reviews the derivative method and explores its capacity for estimating time-varying sinusoids of complicated parameter variations. The method is reformulated on a generalized signal model. We show that under certain arrangements the estimation task becomes solving a linear system, whose coefficients can be computed from discrete samples using an integration-by-parts technique. Previous derivative and reassignment methods are shown to be special cases of this generic method. We include a discussion on the continuity criterion of window design for the derivative method. The effectiveness of the method and the window design criterion are confirmed by test results. We also show that, thanks to the generalization, off-model sinusoids can be approximated by the derivative method with a sufficiently flexible model setting.
Download Novel methods in Information Management for Advanced Audio Workflows This paper discusses architectural aspects of a software library for unified metadata management in audio processing applications. The data incorporates editorial, production, acoustical and musicological features for a variety of use cases, ranging from adaptive audio effects to alternative metadata based visualisation. Our system is designed to capture information, prescribed by modular ontology schema. This advocates the development of intelligent user interfaces and advanced media workflows in music production environments. In an effort to reach these goals, we argue for the need of modularity and interoperable semantics in representing information. We discuss the advantages of extensible Semantic Web ontologies as opposed to using specialised but disharmonious metadata formats. Concepts and techniques permitting seamless integration with existing audio production software are described in detail.