DDSP-Based Neural Waveform Synthesis of Polyphonic Guitar Performance From String-Wise MIDI Input

Nicolas Jonason; Xin Wang; Erica Cooper; Lauri Juvela; Bob L. T. Sturm; Junichi Yamagishi
DAFx-2024 - Guildford
We explore the use of neural synthesis for acoustic guitar from string-wise MIDI input. We propose four different systems and compare them with both objective metrics and subjective evaluation against natural audio and a sample-based baseline. We iteratively develop these four systems by making various considerations on the architecture and intermediate tasks, such as predicting pitch and loudness control features. We find that formulating the control feature prediction task as a classification task rather than a regression task yields better results. Furthermore, we find that our simplest proposed system, which directly predicts synthesis parameters from MIDI input performs the best out of the four proposed systems. Audio examples and code are available.