Modified Late Reverberation in an Audio Augmented Reality Scenario

Christian Schneiderwind; Annika Neidhardt
DAFx-2024 - Guildford
This paper presents a headphone-based audio augmented reality demonstrator showcasing the effects of manipulated late reverberation in rendering virtual sound sources. The setup is based on a dataset of binaural room impulse responses measured along a 2 m long line, which is used to imitate the reproduction of a pair of loudspeakers. Therefore, listeners can explore the virtual sources by moving back and forth and rotating arbitrarily on this line. The demo allows the user to adjust the late reverberation tail of the auralizations interactively from shorter to longer decay times regarding the baseline decay behavior. Modification of the decay times is based on resynthesizing the late reverberation using frequencydependent shaping of binaural white noise and modal reconstruction. The paper includes descriptions of the frameworks used for this demo and an overview of the required data and processing steps.