A Common-Slopes Late Reverberation Model Based on Acoustic Radiance Transfer

Matteo Scerbo; Sebastian J. Schlecht; Randall Ali; Lauri Savioja; Enzo De Sena
DAFx-2024 - Guildford
In rooms with complex geometry and uneven distribution of energy losses, late reverberation depends on the positions of sound sources and listeners. More precisely, the decay of energy is characterised by a sum of exponential curves with position-dependent amplitudes and position-independent decay rates (hence the name common slopes). The amplitude of different energy decay components is a particularly important perceptual aspect that requires efficient modeling in applications such as virtual reality and video games. Acoustic Radiance Transfer (ART) is a room acoustics model focused on late reverberation, which uses a pre-computed acoustic transfer matrix based on the room geometry and materials, and allows interactive changes to source and listener positions. In this work, we present an efficient common-slopes approximation of the ART model. Our technique extracts common slopes from ART using modal decomposition, retaining only the non-oscillating energy modes. Leveraging the structure of ART, changes to the positions of sound sources and listeners only require minimal processing. Experimental results show that even very few slopes are sufficient to capture the positional dependency of late reverberation, reducing model complexity substantially.