Download A pickup model for the Clavinet
In this paper recent findings on magnetic transducers are applied to the analysis and modeling of Clavinet pickups. The Clavinet is a stringed instrument having similarities to the electric guitar, it has magnetic single coil pickups used to transduce the string vibration to an electrical quantity. Data gathered during physical inspection and electrical measurements are used to build a complete model which accounts for nonlinearities in the magnetic flux. The model is inserted in a Digital Waveguide (DWG) model for the Clavinet string for its evaluation.
Download Introducing Deep Machine Learning for Parameter Estimation in Physical Modelling
One of the most challenging tasks in physically-informed sound synthesis is the estimation of model parameters to produce a desired timbre. Automatic parameter estimation procedures have been developed in the past for some specific parameters or application scenarios but, up to now, no approach has been proved applicable to a wide variety of use cases. A general solution to parameters estimation problem is provided along this paper which is based on a supervised convolutional machine learning paradigm. The described approach can be classified as “end-to-end” and requires, thus, no specific knowledge of the model itself. Furthermore, parameters are learned from data generated by the model, requiring no effort in the preparation and labeling of the training dataset. To provide a qualitative and quantitative analysis of the performance, this method is applied to a patented digital waveguide pipe organ model, yielding very promising results.
Download Efficient signal extrapolation by granulation and convolution with velvet noise
Several methods are available nowadays to artificially extend the duration of a signal for audio restoration or creative music production purposes. The most common approaches include overlap-andadd (OLA) techniques, FFT-based methods, and linear predictive coding (LPC). In this work we describe a novel OLA algorithm based on convolution with velvet noise, in order to exploit its sparsity and spectrum flatness. The proposed method suppresses spectral coloration and achieves remarkable computational efficiency. Its issues are addressed and some design choices are explored. Experimental results are proposed and compared to a well-known FFT-based method.
Download Fast Approximation of the Lambert W Function for Virtual Analog Modelling
When modelling circuits one has often to deal with equations containing both a linear and an exponential part. If only a single exponential term is present or predominant, exact or approximate closed-form solutions can be found in terms of the Lambert W function. In this paper, we propose reformulating such expressions in terms of the Wright Omega function when specific conditions are met that are customary in practical cases of interest. This eliminates the need to compute an exponential term at audio rate. Moreover, we propose simple and real-time suitable approximations of the Omega function. We apply our approach to a static and a dynamic nonlinear system, obtaining digital models that have high accuracy, low computational cost, and are stable in all conditions, making the proposed method suitable for virtual analog modelling of circuits containing semiconductor devices.
Download Analysis and Emulation of Early Digitally-Controlled Oscillators Based on the Walsh-Hadamard Transform
Early analog synthesizer designs are very popular nowadays, and the discrete-time emulation of voltage-controlled oscillator (VCO) circuits is covered by a large number of virtual analog (VA) textbooks, papers and tutorials. One of the issues of well-known VCOs is their tuning instability and sensitivity to environmental conditions. For this reason, digitally-controlled oscillators were later introduced to provide stable tuning. Up to now, such designs have gained much less attention in the music processing literature. In this paper, we examine one of such designs, which is based on the Walsh-Hadamard transform. The concept was employed in the ARP Pro Soloist and in the Welson Syntex, among others. Some historical background is provided, along with a discussion on the principle, the actual implementation and a band-limited virtual analog derivation.
Download Arbitrary-Order IIR Antiderivative Antialiasing
Nonlinear digital circuits and waveshaping are active areas of study, specifically for what concerns numerical and aliasing issues. In the past, an effective method was proposed to discretize nonlinear static functions with reduced aliasing based on the antiderivative of the nonlinear function. Such a method is based on the continuoustime convolution with an FIR antialiasing filter kernel, such as a rectangular kernel. These kernels, however, are far from optimal for the reduction of aliasing. In this paper we introduce the use of arbitrary IIR rational transfer functions that allow a closer approximation of the ideal antialiasing filter, required in the fictitious continuous-time domain before sampling the nonlinear function output. These allow a higher degree of aliasing reduction and can be flexibly adjusted to balance performance and computational cost.
Download Equalizing Loudspeakers in Reverberant Environments Using Deep Convolutive Dereverberation
Loudspeaker equalization is an established topic in the literature, and currently many techniques are available to address most practical use cases. However, most of these rely on accurate measurements of the loudspeaker in an anechoic environment, which in some occurrences is not feasible. This is the case, e.g. of custom digital organs, which have a set of loudspeakers that are built into a large and geometrically-complex piece of furniture, which may be too heavy and large to be transported to a measurement room, or may require a big one, making traditional impulse response measurements impractical for most users. In this work we propose a method to find the inverse of the sound emission system in a reverberant environment, based on a Deep Learning dereverberation algorithm. The method is agnostic of the room characteristics and can be, thus, conducted in an automated fashion in any environment. A real use case is discussed and results are provided, showing the effectiveness of the approach in designing filters that match closely the magnitude response of the ideal inverting filters.