WED, September 25
17:00 |
Registration & Welcome-Drink |
19:00 |
(end of registration) |
THU, September 26
08:00 |
Registration |
09:00 |
University President |
Opening |
Session 1: Effects - Chair: Xavier Serra |
09:20 |
Daniel Arfib |
Gestural Strategies for Specific Filtering Processes |
09:40 |
David Darlington |
Digital Audio Effects in the Wavelet Domain |
10:00 |
Julius Smith |
Doppler Simulation and the Leslie |
10:20 |
Vincent Verfaille |
Implementation Strategies for Adaptive Digital Audio Effects |
10:40 |
Coffee Break |
Session 2: Sound Analysis (1) - Chair: Pierre Dutilleux |
11:00 |
Christian Spevak |
Soundspotter A Prototype System for Content-based
Audio Retrieval |
11:20 |
Christopher Duxbury |
A Hybrid Approach to Musical Note Onset Detection |
11:40 |
Giuliano Monti |
Automatic Polyphonic Piano Note Extraction Using Fuzzy Logic
in a Blackboard System |
12:00 |
Luis I. Ortiz-Berenguer |
Polyphonic Transcription Using Piano Modeling for Spectral
Pattern Recognition |
12:20 |
Lunch Break |
Session 3: Sound Analysis (2) - Chair: Matti Karjalainen |
13:40 |
Florian Keiler |
Survey on Extraction of Sinusoids in Stationary Sounds |
14:00 |
Mathieu Lagrange |
Sinusoidal Parameter Extraction and Component Selection in
a non Stationary Model |
14:20 |
Derry FitzGerald |
Sub-Band Independent Subspace Analysis for Drum Transcription |
14:40 |
Harald Viste |
An Extension for Source Separation Techniques Avoiding Beats |
Poster Session 1 - Chair: Søren Nielsen |
15:00 |
Trestino Cosmo |
Real Time Implementation of the HVXC MPEG-4 Speech Coder |
Jiri Schimmel |
Optimizing Digital Musical Effect Implementation for Multiple
Processor DSP Systems |
Oomke Weikert |
Realization of a Diffuse Sound Field with a PC-based Sound
Card Solution |
Pei Xiang |
A New Scheme for Real-Time Loop Music Production Based on
Granular Similarity and Probability Control |
Jeremy J. Wells |
Real-Time Partial Tracking in an Augmented Additive Synthesis
System |
Rémy Boyer |
Efficient Parametric Modeling for Audio Transients |
Pierre Hanna |
Adapting the Overlap-Add Method to the Synthesis of Noise |
15:40 |
Coffee Break |
Session 4: Sound Modeling / Synthesis - Chair: Udo
Zölzer |
16:00 |
Ismo Kauppinen |
Audio Signal Extrapolation - Theory and Applications |
16:20 |
Federico Avanzini |
Modeling Interactions between Rubbed Dry Surfaces Using an
Elasto-Plastic Friction Model |
16:40 |
Stefania Serafin |
Modeling Bowl Resonators Using Circular Waveguide Networks |
17:00 |
Matthew Burtner |
Real-Time Spatial Processing and Transformations of a Singing
Bowl |
17:20 |
Information |
DAFx-03 London |
17:40 |
Break |
18:20 |
Concert |
Diedrichsen-Band |
FRI, September 27
Session 5: Spectral Modeling / Processing / Synthesis
- Chair: Mark Sandler |
09:00 |
Prof. Philippe Depalle |
Spectral Representation and Spectral Modelling for Sound
Synthesis and Processing |
09:30 |
Pietro Polotti |
Inharmonic Sound Spectral Modelling by Means of Fractal Additive
Synthesis |
09:50 |
David Topper |
Spatio-Operational Spectral (S.O.S.) Synthesis |
10:10 |
Roland Badeau |
EDS Parametric Modeling and Tracking of Audio
Signals |
10:30 |
Coffee Break |
photo-call |
Session 6: Synthesis / Instrument Modeling (1) - Chair:
Davide Rocchesso |
11:00 |
Rémy Boyer |
Iterative Method for Harmonic and Exponentially Damped Sinusoidal
Models |
11:20 |
Pierre Hanna |
Real-Time Noise Synthesis with Control of Spectral
Density |
11:40 |
Wim D'haes |
Physical Constraints for the Control of a Physical Model
of a Trumpet |
12:00 |
Damian Murphy |
Digital Waveguide Mesh Modelling of Room Acoustics: Improved
Anechoic Boundaries |
12:20 |
Lunch Break |
Session 7: Instrument Modeling (2) - Chair: Emmanuel
Favreau |
13:50 |
Albrecht Schneider,
Rolf Bader |
Musical Instrument Acoustics and Psychoacoustics: Interdependencies
between Vibrational Behaviour of Instruments and Perceptual Issues |
14:20 |
Nicolas Castagne |
Creating Music by Means of "Physical Thinking":
The Musician Oriented Genesis Environment |
14:40 |
Balázs Bank |
On the Nonlinear Commuted Synthesis of the Piano |
15:00 |
Matti Karjalainen |
Efficient Modeling and Synthesis of Bell-like Sounds |
Poster Session 2 - Chair: Zdenek Smekal |
15:20 |
Laura Ottaviani |
Recognition of Distance Cues from a Virtual Spatialization
Model |
Thomas Lysaght |
Timbre Morphing Using the Modal Distribution |
Perttu Hämäläinen |
Smoothing of the Control Signal without clipped output in
Digital Peak Limiters |
Tamara Smyth |
The Sounds of the Avian Syrinx - are they really Flute-like? |
Stefan Möller |
A Measurement Technique for Highly Nonlinear Transfer Functions |
Matthias Baeck |
Performance Analysis of a Source Separation Algorithm |
15:50 |
Coffee Break |
Session 8: Software - Chair: Nicola Bernardini |
16:10 |
Victor Lazzarini |
Audio Signal Processing and Object-oriented Systems |
16:30 |
Joseph Timoney |
New SndObj Library Classes for Sinusoidal Modelling |
16:50 |
Enrique Robledo Arnuncio |
A C++ Development Platform for Real Time Audio Processing
and Synthesis Applications |
17:10 |
Christian Müller-Tomfelde |
Sound Effects for a Silent Computer System |
17:30 |
break |
19:00 |
Social Event |
Harbour Trip and Buffet |
SAT, September 28
Session 9: Audio Coding - Chair: Markus Erne |
09:00 |
Prof. Karlheinz Brandenburg |
Audio Coding: Basic Techniques and New Developments |
09:30 |
C.M. Liu |
A New Criterion and Associated Bit Allocation Method for
Current Audio Coding Standards |
09:50 |
Nikolaus Meine |
Fast Sinusoid Synthesis for MPEG-4 HILN Parametric Audio
Decoding |
10:10 |
Mohammed Raad |
From Lossy to Lossless Audio Coding using SPIHT |
10:30 |
Coffee Break |
Session 10: Psychoacoustics - Chair: Daniel Arfib |
11:00 |
Prof. Jens Blauert |
Human Sound Localization: Some Fundamentals |
11:30 |
Esben Skovenborg |
Measuring Consonance by Auditory Modelling |
11:50 |
George Tzanetakis |
Human Perception and Computer Extraction of Beat Strength |
12:10 |
Pierre Dutilleux |
Live-Electronic Algorithms in the Multimedia Work "Swim
Swan" |
12:30 |
End of Conference |