Download Searching for Music Mixing Graphs: A Pruning Approach
Music mixing is compositional — experts combine multiple audio processors to achieve a cohesive mix from dry source tracks. We propose a method to reverse engineer this process from the input and output audio. First, we create a mixing console that applies all available processors to every chain. Then, after the initial console parameter optimization, we alternate between removing redundant processors and fine-tuning. We achieve this through differentiable implementation of both processors and pruning. Consequently, we find a sparse mixing graph that achieves nearly identical matching quality of the full mixing console. We apply this procedure to drymix pairs from various datasets and collect graphs that also can be used to train neural networks for music mixing applications.
Download Quadratic Spline Approximation of the Contact Potential for Real-Time Simulation of Lumped Collisions in Musical Instruments
Collisions are an integral part of the sound production mechanism in a wide variety of musical instruments. In physics-based realtime simulation of such nonlinear phenomena, challenges centred around efficient and accurate root-finding arise. Nonlinearly implicit schemes are normally ill-suited for real-time simulation as they rely on iterative solvers for root-solving. Explicit schemes overcome this issue at the cost of a slightly larger error for a given sample rate. In this paper, for the case of lumped collisions, an alternate approach is proposed by approximating the contact potential curve. The approximation is described, and is shown to lead to a non-iterative update for an energy-stable nonlinearly implicit scheme. The method is first tested on single mass-barrier collision simulations, and then employed in conjunction with a modal string model to simulate hammer-string and slide-string interaction. Results are discussed in comparison with existing approaches, and real-time feasibility is demonstrated.
Download Real-Time Guitar Synthesis
The synthesis of guitar tones was one of the first uses of physical modeling synthesis, and many approaches (notably digital waveguides) have been employed. The dynamics of the string under playing conditions is complex, and includes nonlinearities, both inherent to the string itself, and due to various collisions with the fretboard, frets and a stopping finger. All lead to important perceptual effects, including pitch glides, rattling against frets, and the ability to play on the harmonics. Numerical simulation of these simultaneous strong nonlinearities is challenging, but recent advances in algorithm design due to invariant energy quadratisation and scalar auxiliary variable methods allow for very efficient and provably numerically stable simulation. A new design is presented here that does not employ costly iterative methods such as the Newton-Raphson method, and for which required linear system solutions are small. As such, this method is suitable for real-time implementation. Simulation and timing results are presented.
Download Guitar Tone Stack Modeling with a Neural State-Space Filter
In this work, we present a data-driven approach to modeling tone stack circuits in guitar amplifiers and distortion pedals. To this aim, the proposed modeling approach uses a feedforward fully connected neural network to predict the parameters of a coupledform state-space filter, ensuring the numerical stability of the resulting time-varying system. The neural network is conditioned on the tone controls of the target tone stack and is optimized jointly with the coupled-form state-space filter to match the target frequency response. To assess the proposed approach, we model three popular tone stack schematics with both matched-order and overparameterized filters and conduct an objective comparison with well-established approaches that use cascaded biquad filters. Results from the conducted experiments demonstrate improved accuracy of the proposed modeling approach, especially in the case of over-parameterized state-space filters while guaranteeing numerical stability. Our method can be deployed, after training, in realtime audio processors.
Download Distortion Recovery: A Two-Stage Method for Guitar Effect Removal
Removing audio effects from electric guitar recordings makes it easier for post-production and sound editing. An audio distortion recovery model not only improves the clarity of the guitar sounds but also opens up new opportunities for creative adjustments in mixing and mastering. While progress have been made in creating such models, previous efforts have largely focused on synthetic distortions that may be too simplistic to accurately capture the complexities seen in real-world recordings. In this paper, we tackle the task by using a dataset of guitar recordings rendered with commercial-grade audio effect VST plugins. Moreover, we introduce a novel two-stage methodology for audio distortion recovery. The idea is to firstly process the audio signal in the Mel-spectrogram domain in the first stage, and then use a neural vocoder to generate the pristine original guitar sound from the processed Mel-spectrogram in the second stage. We report a set of experiments demonstrating the effectiveness of our approach over existing methods, through both subjective and objective evaluation metrics.
Download Sound Matching Using Synthesizer Ensembles
Sound matching allows users to automatically approximate existing sounds using a synthesizer. Previous work has mostly focused on algorithms for automatically programming an existing synthesizer. This paper proposes a system for selecting between different synthesizer designs, each one with a corresponding automatic programmer. An implementation that allows designing ensembles based on a template is demonstrated. Several experiments are presented using a simple subtractive synthesis design. Using an ensemble of synthesizer-programmer pairs is shown to provide better matching than a single programmer trained for an equivalent integrated synthesizer. Scaling to hundreds of synthesizers is shown to improve match quality.
Download Improving Unsupervised Clean-to-Rendered Guitar Tone Transformation Using GANs and Integrated Unaligned Clean Data
Recent years have seen increasing interest in applying deep learning methods to the modeling of guitar amplifiers or effect pedals. Existing methods are mainly based on the supervised approach, requiring temporally-aligned data pairs of unprocessed and rendered audio. However, this approach does not scale well, due to the complicated process involved in creating the data pairs. A very recent work done by Wright et al. has explored the potential of leveraging unpaired data for training, using a generative adversarial network (GAN)-based framework. This paper extends their work by using more advanced discriminators in the GAN, and using more unpaired data for training. Specifically, drawing inspiration from recent advancements in neural vocoders, we employ in our GANbased model for guitar amplifier modeling two sets of discriminators, one based on multi-scale discriminator (MSD) and the other multi-period discriminator (MPD). Moreover, we experiment with adding unprocessed audio signals that do not have the corresponding rendered audio of a target tone to the training data, to see how much the GAN model benefits from the unpaired data. Our experiments show that the proposed two extensions contribute to the modeling of both low-gain and high-gain guitar amplifiers.
Download Towards Efficient Modelling of String Dynamics: A Comparison of State Space and Koopman Based Deep Learning Methods
This paper presents an examination of State Space Models (SSM) and Koopman-based deep learning methods for modelling the dynamics of both linear and non-linear stiff strings. Through experiments with datasets generated under different initial conditions and sample rates, we assess the capacity of these models to accurately model the complex behaviours observed in string dynamics. Our findings indicate that our proposed Koopman-based model performs as well as or better than other existing approaches in nonlinear cases for long-sequence modelling. We inform the design of these architectures with the structure of the problems at hand. Although challenges remain in extending model predictions beyond the training horizon (i.e., extrapolation), the focus of our investigation lies in the models’ ability to generalise across different initial conditions within the training time interval. This research contributes insights into the physical modelling of dynamical systems (in particular those addressing musical acoustics) by offering a comparative overview of these and previous methods and introducing innovative strategies for model improvement. Our results highlight the efficacy of these models in simulating non-linear dynamics and emphasise their wide-ranging applicability in accurately modelling dynamical systems over extended sequences.
Download DDSP-Based Neural Waveform Synthesis of Polyphonic Guitar Performance From String-Wise MIDI Input
We explore the use of neural synthesis for acoustic guitar from string-wise MIDI input. We propose four different systems and compare them with both objective metrics and subjective evaluation against natural audio and a sample-based baseline. We iteratively develop these four systems by making various considerations on the architecture and intermediate tasks, such as predicting pitch and loudness control features. We find that formulating the control feature prediction task as a classification task rather than a regression task yields better results. Furthermore, we find that our simplest proposed system, which directly predicts synthesis parameters from MIDI input performs the best out of the four proposed systems. Audio examples and code are available.
Download DDSP-SFX: Acoustically-Guided Sound Effects Generation with Differentiable Digital Signal Processing
Controlling the variations of sound effects using neural audio synthesis models has been a challenging task. Differentiable digital signal processing (DDSP) provides a lightweight solution that achieves high-quality sound synthesis while enabling deterministic acoustic attribute control by incorporating pre-processed audio features and digital synthesizers. In this research, we introduce DDSP-SFX, a model based on the DDSP architecture capable of synthesizing high-quality sound effects while enabling users to control the timbre variations easily. We integrate a transient modelling algorithm in DDSP that achieves higher objective evaluation scores and subjective ratings over impulsive signals (footsteps, gunshots). We propose a novel method that achieves frame-level timbre variation control while also allowing deterministic attribute control. We further qualitatively show the timbre transfer performance using voice as the guiding sound.